
Story Telling


Modalidad: Virtual
Fecha de inicio: Comenzará a partir de septiembre
Duración: 12 semanas
Horario: miércoles 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Cupo: 25 personas
Costo: $175.00

Formulario de pre-matrícula


Humans are natural storytellers. We have spent centuries employing
narratives to make sense of the world around us, to better connect with
others, and to effectively convey complex, and often inspiring ideas.
This course explores the deep-seated human instinct for storytelling,
examining its history, cultural significance, and literary as well as narrative
transformative power. Students will be exposed to great narratives, both
orally and in writing, that will help them identify the techniques that make
stories compelling and memorable. By the end of the course the students
will create an authentic story inspired by the content and skills acquired in
the class. Join us in Voice Matters: Mastering the Art of Storytelling to
discover the power of your narrative voice and to learn how to tell stories
that captivate, inspire, and endure.